Can “Team Campbell” retain their golf title?

A very good question indeed!

We cannot wait to defend our title at the 2016 St Catherine’s Homeless Project charity golf day which will be held at Turnhouse Golf Club on 26th.

Last year saw the man himself, sink what can only be described as an epic put on the 6th hole…….The pressure is on Stewart to do the same again……Can he do it?!? Only time will tell.

Screen Shot 2015-05-22 at 12.03.03In the meantime, why not let Stewart Campbell Flooring  “Chip In” and “Drive” your flooring needs “Pin High”. Our team are “Masters” at what we do, ensuring that you will always receive “Professional” treatment from “Teeing Off” to the “18th Hole”. Don’t let your old flooring drive a “Wedge” between you and your happiness, there is always a “Fairway” to do it, and we can help. Call us now and you will feel like you just got a “Hole in one”.

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